When I look over the past month in South Sudan, it has revolutionized my personal life. We have witnessed over 1300 people trust Christ as their Savior (and this is a very conservative number). We have been in schools and preached to over 3000 students, have went door-to-door soul winning, preached in soccer leagues, prisons, and even a blind school, and people here are more hungry for the gospel than I've ever seen. I am not only allowed to preach Christ and the gospel in schools, but also am welcomed to do so.
We have also had the privilege to plant Shadow of the Mountain Baptist Church. It was started on June 24, 2012 with over 50 people in attendance. Last week we had over 70 and I am unsure of the total from yesterday, as the church is in Juba, South Sudan and we are working in Yei, South Sudan this week. Our church has a pastor, a full weekly program with midweek services, "song practice," and a time for evangelism. We have also gotten a sign and land to meet on...we just need a building. We can build a temporary structure for just under $10,000. A permanent structure will be much more costly. We are also praying that we can work with Water Harvest, a not for profit work here to put a well there within the next year. I also got the privilege of baptizing some of our members in the Nile river (see above picture).
Please pray for our ministry, and if the Lord burdens you to give, you can visit our donate page. If you would like to see pictures of our work in South Sudan, please visit my facebook at http://www.facebook.com/eric.porterfield.18. (We would have more pictures on our website, but it take a very long time for pictures to upload as the internet speed is so slow.)
We have also had the privilege to plant Shadow of the Mountain Baptist Church. It was started on June 24, 2012 with over 50 people in attendance. Last week we had over 70 and I am unsure of the total from yesterday, as the church is in Juba, South Sudan and we are working in Yei, South Sudan this week. Our church has a pastor, a full weekly program with midweek services, "song practice," and a time for evangelism. We have also gotten a sign and land to meet on...we just need a building. We can build a temporary structure for just under $10,000. A permanent structure will be much more costly. We are also praying that we can work with Water Harvest, a not for profit work here to put a well there within the next year. I also got the privilege of baptizing some of our members in the Nile river (see above picture).
Please pray for our ministry, and if the Lord burdens you to give, you can visit our donate page. If you would like to see pictures of our work in South Sudan, please visit my facebook at http://www.facebook.com/eric.porterfield.18. (We would have more pictures on our website, but it take a very long time for pictures to upload as the internet speed is so slow.)